RAW2019 – need your help to raise awareness #riskawarenessweek2019

Help us help you!

Risk management community hopefully by now realised that Risk Management 1 will not take us far. Most of risk professionals genuinely want to add value to their organisations. To do that we have move beyond quarterly risk assessments and integrate risk analysis into decision making itself.

As many of you know, I do a lot of risk management training. I usually talk about basic things: the psychology of decision making under uncertainty, the flaws in the current planing and performance management practices because of ignored uncertainty, the quantitative tools we as risk managers have to deal with uncertainty better. And the most common comment I hear is…

I wish our decision makers heard that!

Well, now is your chance. That is why I created RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2019 to have some of the best risk and decision making experts share their stories and help YOU sell RM2 to your executives and decision makers. That’s more than 50 case studies that both you and your decision makers can learn from.

Now, help us help you.

What do you need to help get the RM2 message across to your bosses and decision makers in your company?

I need brainstorming help. Send me ideas. Any ideas. Brochures, images, posters, slogans, templates, anything you think will help you better integrate risk management into decision making.



And remember, risk management is not for shy people.

Check out other risk management books

RISK-ACADEMY offers online courses


Informed Risk Taking

Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!


ISO31000 Integrating Risk Management

Alex Sidorenko, known for his risk management blog http://www.riskacademy.blog, has created a 25-step program to integrate risk management into decision making, core business processes and the overall culture of the organization.


Advanced Risk Governance

This course gives guidance, motivation, critical information, and practical case studies to move beyond traditional risk governance, helping ensure risk management is not a stand-alone process but a change driver for business.


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